Reporting Standards

QAPCO uses international reporting guidelines from GRI to report its sustainability performance.

Global Reporting Initiative

QAPCO uses international reporting guidelines from GRI to report its sustainability performance. Global Reporting Initiative QAPCO uses the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 guidelines, a comprehensive set of indicators covering all dimensions of sustainable development.

Side-ImageThe Global Reporting Initiative provides a framework against which all types of organizations can track and report their economic, environmental and social performance.

This standardized approach allows for greater transparency and accountability, as well as benchmarking against previous years’ and peer companies’ performance.

The GRI guidelines help ensure QAPCO covers relevant topics identified by a broad range of stakeholders.

QAPCO’s Integrated Sustainability Report is prepared in accordance with GRI’s G4 guidelines to meet the ‘core’ criteria. Key to achieving this was the application of our materiality process to identify the aspects and indicators relevant to our businesses.

For material indicators where we were not able to provide certain information in the report, we have provided an explanation. We also report against the GRI Oil and Gas Sector Supplement (OGSS).

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