Launch of the Math Roadshow with Teach For Qatar


Doha, Qatar – A brand-new initiative was recently launched at a ceremony held at QAPCO’s Doha office – the Math Roadshow, also known as the Math Lab.

The Math Roadshow is a joint venture between QAPCO and Teach For Qatar which will be implemented in schools to teach students Math concepts in an engaging way. The roadshow is comprised of 6-8 stations, with each station focusing on a topic from their Math curriculum.

The Math Roadshow shall promote mathematics to school children in a similar way to the TAMUQ STEM Roadshow with the instructor making the subject
of Math’s fun and engaging using games, video, experiments etc. It will be of great benefit to students to introduce them to the world of numbers and to generate interest in this topic.

QAPCO is also supporting Teach For Qatar through the sponsorship of a STEM Fellow who will teach the science, technology, engineering and math disciplines to high school students and allows QAPCO to contribute to the development of Qatar’s next generation of doctors, engineers, scientists and chemists.

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